Monday, October 24, 2011

A Thought About Life

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

It has been a while since I had last written out my thoughts that would resemble anything of value. Yet, tonight, the itch in my fingers gets so unbearable. Thus I decide to write (or rather, type) something  just to ease the aforementioned itch.

So what should i address tonight? I asked myself. Should I talk about what other people are so keen on talking about? i.e: other people’s flaws? Or should i be a bit sublime and talk about something good in someone for a change. I am going to do neither as I opt to talk about how I feel about myself. I’m not sure if that is good or bad, or just plain dim-witted. Here goes...

I’ve been in the workforce for 11 years now. For some people it is quite a sufficient time to land themselves a better position. Me? I’m still a lowly person working as an educator. A normal one. Not someone who has any say in anything. Still, I love my work because I think my job allows me to help the kids and have fun in the process. I love my students. I love my job. There’s nothing wrong in being a normal ‘educator’. I would be the happiest when i see a child performs outstandingly in his/her exam. I would also be the one who shed a bucket of tears (or get outrageously cross) if he/she doesn’t make the grade. Life. What can i say. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. There are times when i get so pitifully sad over some things that are totally beyond my control. Yet when i am in the class, seeing these eager faces making all sorts of mayhem, i feel better. They are the balm for my sore heart. I never  stop counting my blessings for having a whole bunch of wonderful people who make life and all the disappointments it brings a bearable one.

It saddens me when people look down on the profession. I wonder why they have such a horrid perception about our breed. Aren’t we the ones who painstakingly help their child to be better equipped to face this unforgiving world? Aren’t we the ones who have given up weekends, endless nights and most deserved down time (especially when major exams are approaching at the speed of light) just to ensure their child gets everything he/she desperately needs to excel? I don’t really expect them to feel grateful, but a tiny little ‘thank you’ goes a long... long... way. Nevertheless, I still think there’s hope yet. I think there are people out there (whom I don’t know) still think what we do is noble.

My children are the ones whom I treasure the most. Even when I’m back from work at 6pm, they would be at  the front door, beaming, patiently waiting for me to get in the house. Since the youngest couldn’t talk yet because she’s only a baby, the big sister would eagerly relate to me her greatest exploit of the day. How she had lost her stinky ‘fishie’ and found it (time and time again). How she drove my mother up the wall with her mischief. I would receive a full report (a full version of what my children had done that day) from my loving and not to mention exhausted mother. Sitting tiredly at the sofa, I would listen to her ranting about my eldest daughter, the pixie little child. I feel sorry for my mother for having to put up with my children but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She wants her grandchildren to be with her 24/7. That was the most fortunate arrangement for me as I will be able to go to work without having to think about my children’s wellbeing. We could see so many horrible news about children at the day care or while they are in the care of the babysitters. Cold shiver runs up my spine when I see the news on the telly. Thank GOD for letting my mother be as fit as she is to look after my children when I’m away at work. Thank You Mak... for being there for me... you have always been a hero for me.

I know that my life is, well, as it is. I should be grateful as I have a contingent of support system to cushion me when I fall. All the troubles in the world won’t matter for I have something and someone to fall back on. I have my job, which I really love. I have my students, whom I really adore. I have my friends, who are always with me through thick or thin. Lastly and most importantly, I have my family, without them, I would be drifting in this turbulent world.. for they are, forever more, my anchor.


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