Sunday, November 27, 2011

A brief analysis of The Breaking Dawn, the movie

Breaking Dawn was a disappointment. After watching it (so glad that I didn’t buy the premiere class tickets), I could see why others who didn’t even read the book so blatantly condemn the movie. If I don’t really like the novels, I would’ve joined the haters, jeering at the whole franchise. But I like the novels (I know you’re laughing at that statement and I forgive you). I enjoy reading them over and over again, but this time it made me realise that the novel and the movie are two different things altogether. the movie is not a true manifestation of the novel.

First off, when I watched it, I couldn’t help but felt as though I was watching a movie that was not derived from the Breaking Dawn, the last installment of the Twilight Saga. It felt as if I was watching an overly sexed up teenage soap. They were putting too much weight on the love scene that was only a minute fraction of the whole thing. The honeymoon scene was blown out of proportion. And to think that these people are banking in on such LIE irks me beyond forgiveness.

I feel obligated to set this record straight. Many of the major scenes were not originally in the novel. They were thrown in just to spice things up. Well guess what! I do not think that the avid readers of the novels would be happy about this. Just to point out a couple, the scene where Esme was chased by the wolves was not in the novel. So was the scene when the pack actually attacked the Cullens right in the front yard.

Don’t let me start on the wedding, or Bella’s dress, or her makeup. It was depicted in the novel, her mother said, I quote, “Bella, you look like you just stepped out of an Austen movie.” Austen movie? She looked like she wore a contemporary designer number. There was nothing old-fashioned about the dress. The front of the dress looked sleek and conservative enough. The back, however, was another story. It’s plunging back, although covered with some intricate lace and buttoned up by dozens of small pearls (or looked like pearls), still left little to the imagination. Her hair looked messy, and she didn’t look as if she wore much make up. The dark rings around her eyes were barely concealed.  I fail to see how that looks could pass as ‘perfect’. If anything, she looked like a deprived vampire waif. By the way, since this paragraph revolves around the wedding, I don’t know if you had noticed too but I saw Stephenie Meyer on Bella’s side of family at the wedding. Another cameo. Did she ask to be in the movie? I wonder.

There was a tiny bit of a consolation at the end, there was a glimpse of how Renesmee’s going to become. She looked ethereal, even more beautiful than Bella when she had turned into a newborn vampire.

I hope upon hope that the last franchise will not be this disappointing. I really want to see the great gathering, to see how Bella’s power is developed. I want to see the so called impressive confrontation. Whoever directs the next movie, please don’t stray too much from the original story. A note to the National Film Censorship Board, please do not censor everything, so much so that the movie loses its cohesion.


dakpipimerah said...

wah.tunggu download jelah mcm ni. :)

Jay Kasim said...

hehehe... tu la. ajak papa lan gi tgk hr tu, dia pun terpinga2 x faham citer.

dakpipimerah said...

hahaha. yang mimi kalau tgok, mesti tido punye kalau tak faham. hehe.. tgok trailer mcm gempak..kena download ni kasi faham.

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